8 Mar 2010

Uniting Kenyans in Norway

KiN Reports

A clear message from a concerned Kenyan in Norway

The need to organise Kenyans in Norway has been discussed severally within and beyond the borders of Norway. It is apparent that there is an underlying problem that needs to be tackled and cleared to pave the way for a united Kenyan group to thrive in this country. Many have tried to organise Kenyans here and started several organisations but within short periods the organisations simply die off. It is time we agree to disagree for the sake of uniting Kenyans in Norway.

Autumn and winter of 2009 saw Kenyan news hit the front pages of major media houses around the world, thanks to President Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize. At the same time, Kenyans in Norway failed to organise a major reception and or a simple uniting party to celebrate the achievements of one of their own. President Obama would have been happy to meet Kenyans in Norway or at least wave to a specific and strategically positioned group of Kenyans waving their beautiful flag to him during the reception of the prize. The problem is only that there was no such organised grouping.

The Nobel Institute got several lists from Kenyans claiming they were leaders of equally several Kenyan welfare organisastions. The result was that most if not all the lists received were dumped and none of the self proclaimed leaders made it to the reception. However, a very small group of Kenyan lobbyists made it to the official ceremony and also attended the Nobel Concert.

I am a Kenyan and am convinced that we can change this negative trend. We cannot continue living behind the curtains when the whole world is focusing on our country. We are able and must take the center stage and contribute positively to Kenya's development. We have to avail ourselves and form a strong Kenyan Organisation in Norway that can be a constituency to educate on all topics touching on Kenya. We have Kenyans with enormous energy, positively burning desire and the urge to organize and lead such an organisation, but it is needless to say that without you Kenyans living in Norway, all that goes to waste. Wake up Kenyans lest we be left sleeping when all our neighbours are developing both individually and as a nation within the state of Norway. We need a strong and well oiled Kenyan Organisation in Norway.

It is time we take the mantle and lead the way to an organised Kenyan society in Norway irrespective of office beareres. I am aware of the good work being done in Bergen through the Wazalendo Bergen group of Kenyans.... keep it up and move it on to Oslo...kudos.

I challenge you Karanja, Makogango, Agnes, Karumbe, Ombwayo, Kabir, Korir, Odeck, Waithera, Benter, Wanjiku, Dorris, Erick, Jane, Gordon, Melissa, Kamau, Mohammed, Jeff, Stella, Mwangi, Naomi, Joyce, Wazalendo Bergen and all Kenyans living in Norway to take this seriously and contribute towards the formation and running of this organisastion. We have to start a single uniting Association of Kenyans in Norway.

By Makosir,
Concerned Kenyan in Norway


Anonymous said...

Yes we can. I believe all we need is a strong leader who is not bent on self focus.

Anonymous said...

Yes we can.

I believe all we need is a strong leader who is not bent on self focus.

Mzalendo, Oslo

Anonymous said...

Look what I found on facebook about the group i referred to:

Just for Fun - Totally Random

Let's leta our pamojaness i Norge,ama??We r Kenyans watado???We gat the best MARATHONERZ,NOBEL 06 ws ours n nat 4gtn Obawa yawaaahhh!!......jus 2 mention bt a fw....DERE KAN LASTENED NOEN FINE BILDER AV VĂ…RT NYDLIG LAND.....l8rz♥ ♥

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Open: All content is public.

Contact Info
Office: 1st floor Utalii House i Oslo......daz it rlly xist??find out

Location: at the corner of dat roundabout.....cn u c it
Oslo, Norway

Concerned Kenyan in Norway

Anonymous said...

All nonsense. Get a life

Anonymous said...

I will take u up on that one ! you speak our minds. would you like to meet up and work the details i could help. there are way too many reasons why we need this



FM said...

It is clear from the comments received and calls reaching our desk that there is need for a Kenyan Organisation in Norway. I suggest that those interested in effecting the same should avail their details. KiN will provide a form through this page to allow for registration of members. This year's KiN Games can be an opportunity to informally discuss this issue. KiN thanks the concerned Kenyan for the published article. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I used to wonder why Kenyans in Norway couldn't get together or form a functioning organisation. But after recent happenings around in Oslo, now i know why pple prefer to keep to themselves.

Some of the so called "potential" leaders listed are the ones who are malicious and like to engage in scandalous gossips. One time they are your friend the next minute they are calling you names on your face without any good reason; they turn around and take sides just to stubb you in the back. Double-dealing malicious "leaders" it is such a pity.

Let's not lose hope we will get rid of these malicious pple and we will succeed.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the kenyan organization that was formed in 2010???? Dead or??????

JMK said...

Replace the board of AKIN with people who have a proven record of management and organisation of Kenyan activities in Norway. Hakuna haja ya kuweka vijana who are still dreaming of kupandanda ngazi using jina la nchi yetu....shame on them. Kuna watu hapa wanajivunia kuwa wakenya, acha watulinde na tuendelee mberee!!

Anonymous said...

Akumulikae mchana, usiku atakuchoma.Harambee..tuijenge....u know the rest.Am very happy happy to see at last we have managed to hold ourselves.We are a small family up here ..Bra jobba folkens..but it is unfortunate that there is too much gossip and sorry to say..maybe time will prove ..after growing up alittle more upstairs.
Thanks alot for the male members..as usual..neutralising and holding KIN warm..