30 Apr 2014


Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta signed the Marriage Act 2014 that allows men to marry as many women as they please. The law does not require a man to consult his wife/wives before marrying a new wife. The law is in line with the costitution which describes several types of legally accepted marital unions in the country. 

Despite being signed into law now, polygamy has been practised in some parts of Kenya in many years hence the law is an affirmative gesture to formalize it.

Kenya's Marriage Bill:
  • Bans marriage for those under 18
  • All marriages - even customary unions - must be registered
  • Legalises polygamy, allowing men to marry as many partner as they wish without consulting other spouses
  • A woman is entitled to 50% of property acquired during marriage
  • Specifies that marriage is between a man and a woman, but does not explicitly ban custom of an infertile woman marrying a younger woman
  • Proposals dropped: Banning bride price payments, recognising cohabiting, or "come-we-stay", relationships

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