26 Feb 2010

Hon. Ruto dropped from HBC

Agriculture Minister, Hon. William Ruto
KiN Reports
The Kenyan Parlimanet saw a tug of secret wars taking center stage after the wrangles between the PM and his party deputy, William Ruto, appeared at the Tenth Parliament’s Fourth Session. The latter has lately attacked the PM after he was shown the doors to allow for proper investigations in among other issues, the maize scandal.

Members of parliament unanimously voted to form the House Business Committee (HBC) thereby openning for the already overdue constitutional review. The vote locked out Agriculture Minister, Hon. William Ruto and his allies from the HBC. Party chairman, Henry Kosgey got the docket therby replacing his party colleague, Hon. Ruto. According to Ruto's allies, this was deemed a slapp on the face of the minister due to him being a fierce critic of Hon. Raila Odinga.

HBC is an important committee that sets the agenda for the house and no business can be discussed or tendered in Parliamnet before its constitution. The original list of 21 names that was tabled on the opening day of parliament was approved in its original form despite cries from Ruto's allies.

With the formation of HBC, eyes are now set to the review calender with the chair of PSC indicating that he is ready to table the Draft Constitution on Tuesday. However, there are fears that the review could be derailed if the commitee does not get the much needed support.

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