26 Apr 2012

Mass choir in Breivik protest

KiN Reports - Oslo, Youngstorget (Thursday 26.04.2012)
A mass choir at Youngstorget in Oslo sang in protest to the accused Norwegian mass murderer, Anders B. Breivik. An estimated 40000 people attended the 12pm event that was spontaneously organised following Breivik's claim that a popular song was an example of what he termed Marxistic influence on Norwegian children. The song he mentioned during the current case proceedings against him at the Oslo City Court is Norwegian Lillebjoern Nilsen's Barn av regnbuen (Children of the Rainbow). The song describes a world where every sister and every brother lives together in harmony like small children of the rainbow.

Among those who participated in the mass choir were ministers of culture from the Nordic countries: Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and the Faroes. The mass choir was led by the artist, Lillebjoern Nilsen.


Anonymous said...

I was there but the weather was terrible, the skies were shedding huge drops.

Anonymous said...

That man Breivik is hard, no feelings, no signs of anger, the man is stone calm....!