21 Sept 2012

Muslims to demonstrate in Oslo Friday

Photo: Sam Graham
KiN Newsroom
Two major demonstrations are scheduled for Oslo this Friday starting at 16:00 (CET). The demonstrations organized by two Islamic groups are meant to protest the publishing of carricatures and the recently produced American film "Innocence of the Muslims" which they consider to be degrading Prophet Mohammed.

US Embassy has sent out a "Security Message" to all Americans registered at the embassy warning them of "two demonstrations planned for this Friday September 21 from 1600 to 1700 hours".

Police in Oslo are ready to deal with hooligans mascaurading as protesters or dissobeying Norwegian demonstration laws. The Police are already positioned around the US and French embassies, the French school, the central square and Youngstorget. Unless you have serious business in town, we request you to stay away from the named areas.

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