8 Aug 2013

Nairobi: Jomo Kenyatta International Airport reopens

KiN Reports
International flights have resumed operations at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) only a day after the fire that razed down the international arrivals terminal. According to Kenya Airways CEO Titus Naikuni, several flights are scheduled to take off from JKIA on Thursday via the domestic departure terminal, Unit 3. The damaged arrivals terminal will remain closed until further notice.

Flights to Johannesburg (KQ762), Mwanza (PW 750), Dar-Es-Salaam (PW710), Entebbe (KQ412), Bombay, Dubai, Paris, Heathrow and several other international destinations will depart from JKIA as scheduled.

Speaking during a press conference convened at the airport, Transport Cabinet Secretary Michael Kamau said full operations at JKIA are to resume from Thursday (08.08.2013) midnight.

Foto: AP Photo/Sayyid Azim

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