21 Aug 2009

Oslo is the world's most expensive city

Oslo City Hall (Foto: Scanpix)
KiN Finance Desk

Switzerland's UBS bank has concluded that Oslo is the most expensive city in the world. This conclusion is based on the results of a recent comparative reasearch by the UBS bank. The bank compared the purchasing power and cost of living in 73 major cities.
According to the report, Norway's Capital City has the most expensive goods and services. Oslo tops the list followed by Zürich, København, Genève, Tokyo and New York.
The survey further states that "employees in Copenhagen, Zurich, Geneva and New York have the highest gross wages. Zurich and Geneva – the two Swiss cities in the study – top the rankings in the international comparison of net wages. By contrast, the average employee in Delhi, Manila, Jakarta and Mumbai earns less than one-fifteenth of Swiss hourly wages after taxes."
The conclusion placing Oslo at the top is based on the cost of 122 standard goods and services.

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